Your One Step Away From Becoming
Your Own Grillz Manufacturer
Grillz Making is the captivating process whereby the Jeweler makes a dental mold, carves wax onto it, cast it into gold and finishes it into beautiful gold teeth jewelry.Masterfully applies his creativity, knowledge, jewelry tools and equipment to create something epic that taps back into the coulture. It has been practiced for millennia and was essential to the creation of hip hop grillz today.
I truly believe that the mold impression step the utmost important part because without a start, you'll have no finish. Without a good impression you'll have a bad finish. Dentist have been performing this process since the 1800's. In order to be great you must practice your mold taking skills.
Hit enroll Below. I can’t wait to hear all about how much you enjoyed my instruction and the projects you have completed with these skills.
Learn how to take a Dental Impressions for Gold Grillz.
Learning how to take a proper dental impression is critical to making grillz. By getting this free course you'll be able to quickly get customers impressions done and make a perfect fitting grill. This is the starting point.
How To Take A Mold
Learn the basics and importance of taking a pefect dental impression.
Things You'll Need To Take Molds
Get your list of supplies you'll need to take molds for your customers.
How To Die Stone Molds
Learn how to do the die stone process after you receive the mold from your customers.
Learn How To Die Stone
This is the next step in the process after you take the dental impression. This process creates the actual model for the grill to be crafted on.
Course Curriculum
Here you can see how the course is structured.
Do You Think You're Ready To Take This Journey? 🤔
If you're tired of outsourcing your mold impressions to other grillz makers and never receiving them; confidence is KEY! You can make them yourself!
Join our Master Bundle Course Today! Learn every step of the way from Grillz Master "Rell the Jeweler". A self-proclaimed, completely self-taught Jeweler.
You will learn exactly what he did to become successful within the Grillz industry.